Our History
Ongoing development of futures trading portfolio management tools for Hawksbill Capital Management
Live data tracking website for Compressor Energy, LLC
What can TAGE do for you?
Working in association with Kaiser Permanente Healthworks operated a 12 week health initiative for the United States Patent and Trademark Office utilizing Fitness Journal
Health and Fitness Challenge for DC Gov Department of Human Resources
New web site and e-learning platform for Blue-U Corporate Defense Seminars
TAGE works with financial clients, insurance companies and federal agencies. Working to re-launch the latest version of Fitness Journal to the world as well.
TAGE successfully transitioned into a cloud-based environment.
We continue to work hard for our existing client portfolio. TAGE is currently working to release the next generation of health and wellness tools as part of our Fitness Journal platform. Our next batch of federal health and wellness challenge programs is scheduled to start in early 2014!
TAGE focused its energy to ongoing development of advanced online tools for collaboration and analysis of financial data incorporating both real time and historic information for our financial client. This project continues into 2025
TAGE Launched a platform for the non-profit End Slavery Now (currently maintained by the Cincinnati Museum of History). This platform includes a college campus club program called The Free Project as well as tools designed to help NGOs share critical information.
Our Fitness Journal platform continued to grow. Many more federal accounts were brought online including Naval Sea Systems Command. We continued to work closely with Kaiser Permanente and our financial clients.
TAGE started working to build health and wellness challenge programs for many federal agencies including the Department of Energy, the Federal Communications Commission, Environmental Protection Agency, The Superior Court System and many more.
TAGE relocated to the east coast, creating a new office in Peterborough New Hampshire. Remaining team members still reside on the west coast, enabling us to have a continued physical presence for face-to-face client meetings and hands-on data center access on both sides of the country.
TAGE continued work with Kaiser Permanente expanding its offerings to include multiple east coast clients including the Montgomery County Public School System in Maryland.
TAGE released a program for the California State Games and the University of California - Santa Cruz
TAGE opened its second colocation hosting location in Bedford, New Hampshire allowing for redundant operations and fail over.
TAGE built a custom health platform for the United States Marine Corps based loosely on our Fitness Journal engine. This project included over 80 animations and an entirely new skin to match the marines.com site.
TAGE partnered with Kaiser Permanente to offer a pilot health and wellness challenge program to the United Postal Service.
TAGE began work with BlueCross BlueShield on an employee managed health and wellness incentive platform. We still operate and maintain this platform now in 2025.
TAGE launched its very first stand-alone product SaaS, Fitness Journal. Fitness Journal allowed us to develop customized health and wellness platforms for some of the largest companies and federal agencies in the country. This also allowed us to expand our knowledge of e-learning systems into health and wellness tracking.
TAGE started work on a web based futures and commodities trading portfolio management platform. This system allowed multiple traders to share real time trade data and analysis. Now in 2025 we are continuing to maintain and evolve that same platform.
TAGE established an office at the new Sonic.net data center including its first leased colocation cabinet.
We built many ecommerce and inventory management systems as well as several franchise management websites.
We built and launched the very first online traffic school in the nation. We spent a great deal of time conforming to (and building) industry standards in online test taking and walk-in testing centers.
We started designing e-learning systems that involved large test and content databases for training and education.
We built and launched one of the very first online mortgage applications including direct integration into a desktop underwriting system. We tied this system into a mortgage broker network that we helped setup and manage.
We registered the domain name TAGE.COM. We are the only company that has ever owned this domain name.
We spent months converting over 100,000 pages of published books into interactive dynamic content for MacMillian Publishing Company.
TAGE Multimedia Productions was established in 1994 by Christopher Watson in Anchorage Alaska. It wasn't long before TAGE moved to the lower 48 and built a small development team out of a tiny office on 2nd street in Santa Rosa, California and took on our first web clients.
The web was just starting to rock and roll back in the early 90s. We quickly formed relationships with many north bay companies trying to carve out their own internet based business projects.