TAGETAGE, offers web design & development services to Peterborough, New Hampshire PETERBOROUGH, NEW HAMPSHIRE

TAGE About Our Philosophy

Our Philosophy

Your Vision is Paramount.

When you come to us with your idea, our goal is to see your vision for what it is today, as well as what it can grow to become. We value your idea and won't try to plant it in a pre-fabricated container. We custom build our solution around your vision.

We Listen to What You Have to Say.

One of the most important jobs we have is to stop talking and just listen. You know better than anyone else what your true vision is. The more we listen to you, the closer the end result will match your original idea.

We Ask a Lot of Questions.

Our team asks a ton of questions. We will continue to question until we reach a point of clarity and understanding. Many of our questions you may not have answers for, but we will work directly with you to find answers until we are all on the same page.

We Like to Automate.

We have a saying around here: "We only like to do things once." Any task that requires a repetitive action by a person is a candidate for automation. If we automate a task that takes a person 10 minutes each day to complete, over the course of a year we will save 60 hours of labor simply by getting the computer to do the work. Every day we use this same idea to find ways to save our clients money by freeing up time.

There Are No Unsolvable Problems, Just Unanswered Challenges.

We are always up for a challenge!




What is TAGE?





Service Area


Web Development

Web Programming

Content Management

Dynamic Applications

PERL & CGI Scripting

Javascript / AJAX

MySQL Databases

IT Services

Managed Hosting

Creative Services


Our Clients


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(707) 933-1436


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TAGE - 50 JAFFREY ROAD #206, PETERBOROUGH, NEW HAMPSHIRE 03458 © 2025 TAGE. All Rights Reserved.